Presence, Courage, Vibrance

These are the 3 words that I use to stay congruent with who I want to be in the world.

My mission is to live from that place, and to inspire others (especially women /mums /activists) to step into their power, their ‘deep why’, and to live vibrant lives of freedom, meaning and contribution.

I believe in summoning the courage to take risks, to dream big, to slow down, and to step into the actions that bring us to our heart-centred desires for a better world and life… for ourselves, our kids and future generations.

Who is Terri? What am I about? 


I am an Australian mum of 4 gorgeous boys/wife/community member, environmental activist, a singer/songwriter, a natural health practitioner/healer, a deep ecologist… as well as other ‘hats’.

I live on the skirts of the sub-tropical Australian rainforest in the northern rivers of NSW, with my 4 boys and husband.

Growing up in an activist family of rainforest lovers, I thrive on living close to the land, growing my own food, being able to sink my feet in the grass and dive into the creek every day.

I stand for environmental sustainability and conscious aware relationships (with self and others and the earth). 

I value NATURE. The beauty, intricacy and interconnected reality that we are the earth, as it is us.

I have an entrepreneurial bent, a commitment to living by my values and making my work my passion.